Meet the Team
Our Story
Having each worked separately in education, we saw first-hand the mental-health crisis children are facing today. There is an ever-growing need for support, and endless obstacles in getting quality mental health providers connected to individuals. As the movement of trauma-informed education began to grow, the solution began to become clear: if you equip all school personnel with the knowledge tools to truly support children, we can begin to address mental health crises in a meaningful way. This common realization is what first brought Josh, Alexandra, and Lindsey together, as they began working with schools.
After several years of working almost exclusively in education, we collectively heard an almost constant urging to extend services to parents and caregivers. If every adult who consistently supports children is equipped with basic knowledge and strategies to create a supportive environment, we are setting a lot of children up for a far better chance at success. With that thought at the center, we ventured out and began InMind Services with a basic mission, “To Support Those Who Support Children.”
Executive Team

Josh MacNeill, M.Ed.
he / him
Chief Executive Officer & Founder
Gathering from his experience as a parent, teacher, author, and leader, Josh is an international speaker and consultant who is passionate about sharing trauma-informed strategies and neurodevelopmentally appropriate supports to all.

Lindsey Bernhardt, M.Ed.
she / her
Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder
A mother of two, Lindsey's work with schools and families centers around meeting children's and family's social and emotional needs. With a school counseling degree and a rich background in creating trauma-informed school environments, Lindsey strives to increase the number of homes and schools where students feel safe and loved.

Alexandra Murtaugh, Ed.D.
she / her
Chief Administrative Officer & Co-Founder
As a mother of 4, former teacher, and adjunct professor, Alexandra thrives where there are opportunities to bridge the gap between research and practice. Alexandra utilizes the science of learning and development to empower people to more effectively support the children in their lives.
Operations Team
Educational Consultants
Family Support

Rachael Sine
she / her / ella
Family Support Coordinator
Coordinadora de Servicios para Familias
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
-Anthony J. D’Angelo -

Why We Do What We Do
Our overarching goal is to support those who support children. While each member of our team has taken a different path to come to this work, we are all deeply passionate about creating spaces (both physical and emotional) where children can grow, develop, and thrive.
Our work is rooted in an understanding of human development and stress, and existing research in education and affective neuroscience. We believe that children prosper when adults have expanded their toolkits. Our tools and takeaways aren’t the only tools that exist— and those that work with us come with an existing set of their own— but we hope to leave each organization and individual feeling more equipped and prepared to support the children in their lives.